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What are the benefits of a maintenance-free shed?

April 28 2021, 5:13 am

Work. Families, Housework. Gardening.  We all have a lot on our plate. We are all so busy, and the last thing anyone wanted is to have to add another thing to our never-ending list of things to do - such as ‚Äòsort out the garden shed‚Äô. The thing is, with a traditional wooden shed, that is something you will have to do.  Sure, a wooden garden shed can look pretty good. That is if you keep on top of the maintenance. That means painting it or treating it every year, checking for signs of damp and ...


What are the advantages of a metal shed?

June 7 2021, 6:09 am

A shed is a pretty important part of most gardens. It is where the lawnmowers and garden tools are kept, perhaps the outdoor furniture throughout the winter, and things like paint and DIY bits and pieces that we need but don’t want to keep in the house.A shed has to be several things; it has to be weatherproof - not letting in dampness and rain and not have the roof blowing off at the first sign of a gust of wind. It needs to be secure - gardening tools and equipment can be very expensive. It needs to look good as well - no...


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